Illegal trapping has been detected in Fernglade Reserve, Burnie this Summer. At least one platypus was injured and a lobster trap removed. Read about it in The Advocate

Protecting Habitat for The Giant Freshwater Crayfish
Illegal trapping has been detected in Fernglade Reserve, Burnie this Summer. At least one platypus was injured and a lobster trap removed. Read about it in The Advocate
Todd Walsh and a friend with just one claw made a big media splash during the Tarkine Bioblitz.
Read about it in The Advocate, on ABC or the Bob Brown Foundation
The video is on Youtube
I walked into the living room the other day while my kids were watching Bushwhacked! on ABC Me.,..
Series 3 Episode 35. Kayne and Kamil travel to Tasmania to undertake some platypus population research -BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY Kayne gets up close and personal with the giant freshwater crayfish.
The Flowerdale Lobster Ponds had a pleasant surprise this week. Read about in the Mercury or The Advocate
Release of the 2017-2027 Recovery Plan for the Giant Freshwater Crayfish (Astacopsis gouldi).
Read about it in the Guardian or on ABC online